Description: Buenos Aires's facial recognition system mistakenly flagged innocent people as criminals, leading to wrongful stops and detentions. Judicial investigations indicate the technology may have been misused for unauthorized surveillance and data collection. Despite privacy risks, the system has been used widely without full disclosure of standards or safeguards,
Editor Notes: Reconstruction of the timeline of events: (1) 2019: Buenos Aires implements a facial recognition system aimed at enhancing public safety, capturing thousands of individuals. (2) After implementation in 2019: At least 140 individuals, including Guillermo Ibarrola, are erroneously flagged as criminals due to database errors, leading to police checks and detentions. (3) 2020: The facial recognition feature is deactivated as a precaution during the COVID-19 pandemic and remains off by judicial order. (4) December 2023: Journalists confirm that their biometric data was accessed, which in turn prompted further scrutiny by them. (5) February 5, 2024: The Pulitzer Center publishes a report on the issues surrounding Buenos Aires's facial recognition system.
Voir toutes les entitésPrésumé : un système d'IA développé par Government of Argentina et mis en œuvre par Government of Argentina , Government of Buenos Aires and Argentinean Ministry of Security, endommagé Argentinean citizens , Buenos Aires residents and Guillermo Ibarrola.
Statistiques d'incidents
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Date de l'incident
Daniel Atherton
Rapports d'incidents
Chronologie du rapport · 2024
- Afficher le rapport d'origine à sa source
- Voir le rapport sur l'Archive d'Internet
translated-fr-Seventy-five percent of the Argentine capital area is under video surveillance, which the government proudly advertises on billboards. But the facial recognition system, part of the city's sprawling surveillance infrastructure…
Une "Variante" est un incident qui partage les mêmes facteurs de causalité, produit des dommages similaires et implique les mêmes systèmes intelligents qu'un incident d'IA connu. Plutôt que d'indexer les variantes comme des incidents entièrement distincts, nous listons les variations d'incidents sous le premier incident similaire soumis à la base de données. Contrairement aux autres types de soumission à la base de données des incidents, les variantes ne sont pas tenues d'avoir des rapports en preuve externes à la base de données des incidents. En savoir plus sur le document de recherche.
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