Description: In Athens, Greece, two 16-year-old students were arrested for allegedly generated nonconsensual deepfake pornography of their classmates. They reportedly used images taken from social media to create the explicit images, which they are then reported to have disseminated online to others. The parents of the students were reportedly also arrested for neglecting to supervise their behavior.
Ver todas las entidadesAlleged: Unknown deepfake technology developer developed an AI system deployed by Two unnamed 16-year-old students in Athens, which harmed Students at a high school in Athens y Families of students at a high school in Athens.
Sistema de IA presuntamente implicado: Unknown deepfake technology developer
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Daniel Atherton
Informes del Incidente
Cronología de Informes
La policía de Atenas ha anunciado la detención de dos estudiantes por supuestamente crear y compartir imágenes de desnudos de compañeros de clase generadas mediante inteligencia artificial.
Los sospechosos, ambos de 16 años, fueron arrestad…
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