Description: A sophisticated AI-powered phishing scam has reportedly been targeting between 1.8 to 2.5 billion Gmail users, allegedly using deepfake robocalls and phishing emails to steal credentials. Attackers impersonate Google security. They claim suspicious account activity and direct victims to fake Google login pages. The stolen credentials have reportedly been used for identity theft, banking fraud, and session hijacking. The FBI has urged vigilance as AI increases the scale and effectiveness of such attacks.
Editor Notes: The incident date of 05/08/2024 refers to the publication of the FBI San Francisco office's alert. The scams had presumably been ongoing for a while before the alert. A significant uptick in reporting occurred in late January and early February 2025, often citing that FBI warning. For specific variations of these attacks, please also refer Incidents 839 and 942.
Ver todas las entidadesAlleged: Unknown deepfake technology developer y Unknown AI tool providers developed an AI system deployed by Unknown scammers , Unknown cybercriminals y Scammers impersonating Google employees, which harmed Google users y Gmail Users.
Sistemas de IA presuntamente implicados: Unknown robocall system , Unknown deepfake apps , Google authentication system y Gmail
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Daniel Atherton
Informes del Incidente
Cronología de Informes

SAN FRANCISCO---La división del FBI de San Francisco advierte a las personas y empresas que tengan cuidado con la creciente amenaza que representan los ciberdelincuentes que utilizan herramientas de inteligencia artificial (IA) para llevar …