Description: Nottingham gallery owner Simone Simms was allegedly deceived over many months by a deepfake impersonating actor Pierce Brosnan. Believing she was in direct contact with Brosnan, she reportedly arranged an art exhibition and sold £20,000 in tickets. When the real Brosnan denied involvement, Simms reportedly canceled the event and issued refunds. Despite acting in good faith, she reportedly faced reputational and financial harm, which led to the gallery’s closure in August 2024.
Editor Notes: Reconstructing the reported timeline of events: (1) Sometime in early 2023, Simone Simms reportedly contacted what she believed to be Pierce Brosnan’s legitimate Facebook page to propose an exhibition of his artwork at her Nottingham gallery. (2) She was allegedly contacted by an entity she believed to be Brosnan, exchanging approximately 200 messages via Telegram, including voice notes and video calls featuring what appeared to be Brosnan’s likeness. (3) The scammers reportedly convinced Simms to send £3,000 for "shipping fees" related to the exhibition. (4) Over time, Simms promoted the event, selling approximately £20,000 worth of tickets, some of which included a £500 VIP meet-and-greet experience with Brosnan. (5) In November 2023, after the event was advertised, the real Pierce Brosnan publicly denied any involvement and issued a statement condemning the gallery, stating he "would never charge for a meet-and-greet." (6) Shortly thereafter, Brosnan’s legal representatives reportedly sent Simms a cease-and-desist letter, prompting her to refund all ticket sales. (7) In August 2024, Simms was reportedly forced to close her gallery, citing reputational damage and financial losses stemming from the incident. (8) On February 8, 2025, the Daily Mail published an exclusive report detailing Simms's experience.
Ver todas las entidadesAlleged: Unknown deepfake technology developers developed an AI system deployed by scammers , Fraudsters y Unknown scammers impersonating Pierce Brosnan, which harmed Simone Simms , Long Eaton Gallery , Long Eaton Gallery customers y Nottingham art community.
Sistemas de IA presuntamente implicados: Unknown deepfake apps , Unknown voice cloning technology , Telegram y Facebook
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Daniel Atherton
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Fue la firma de ensueño para la dueña de una galería desconocida de Nottingham – una exposición que presentaba la obra del actor de Hollywood convertido en artista Pierce Brosnan, que también asistiría para conocer a los fans.
Pero la dueña…
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