Description: A scammer, or scammers, reportedly used AI-generated deepfake videos and documents to impersonate a fictitious person named "Alla Morgan," allegedly convincing a 77-year-old woman, Nikki MacLeod, to send £17,000 through various payment methods. The deepfakes were allegedly used in establishing credibility so as to enable fraud under the pretense of an online romantic relationship.
Editor Notes: Timeline notes: The fraud was reported to Police Scotland sometime in October 2024. The date of the incident, 12/19/2024, is when the story became public.
Ver todas las entidadesAlleged: Unknown deepfake technology developer developed an AI system deployed by scammers y Alla Morgan, which harmed Nikki MacLeod.
Sistema de IA presuntamente implicado: Unknown deepfake tool
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Daniel Atherton