Description: The actor Kristen Bell discovered that her likeness was exploited by creators of deepfake pornography, who shared their non-consensual sexual depictions of her on the Internet.
Editor Notes: Incidents 771 and 772 are closely related in terms of narrative overlap and discussion.
Ver todas las entidadesAlleged: Unknown deepfake technology developers developed an AI system deployed by Unknown deepfake creators, which harmed Kristen Bell.
Estadísticas de incidentes
Risk Subdomain
A further 23 subdomains create an accessible and understandable classification of hazards and harms associated with AI
4.3. Fraud, scams, and targeted manipulation
Risk Domain
The Domain Taxonomy of AI Risks classifies risks into seven AI risk domains: (1) Discrimination & toxicity, (2) Privacy & security, (3) Misinformation, (4) Malicious actors & misuse, (5) Human-computer interaction, (6) Socioeconomic & environmental harms, and (7) AI system safety, failures & limitations.
- Malicious Actors & Misuse
Which, if any, entity is presented as the main cause of the risk
The stage in the AI lifecycle at which the risk is presented as occurring
Whether the risk is presented as occurring as an expected or unexpected outcome from pursuing a goal
Informes del Incidente
Cronología de Informes
Kristen Bell fue la primera en descubrir que había vídeos pornográficos falsos de ella en Internet, gracias a su marido, el actor Dax Shepard. En los vídeos, su rostro ha sido manipulado sobre el cuerpo de actores porno.
"Me quedé en shock"…
Actor Kristen Bell has revealed that she felt "exploited" after learning that her face was used in "deepfake" pornography.
The Good Place star told *Vox*that she only found out she'd fallen victim to the practice, which sees the faces of pe…
Una "Variante" es un incidente que comparte los mismos factores causales, produce daños similares e involucra los mismos sistemas inteligentes que un incidente de IA conocido. En lugar de indexar las variantes como incidentes completamente separados, enumeramos las variaciones de los incidentes bajo el primer incidente similar enviado a la base de datos. A diferencia de otros tipos de envío a la base de datos de incidentes, no se requiere que las variantes tengan informes como evidencia externa a la base de datos de incidentes. Obtenga más información del trabajo de investigación.
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· 1 informe
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