Description: Researchers at Stanford Graduate School of Business developed a model that determined, on a binary scale, whether someone was homosexual using only his facial image, which advocacy groups such as GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign denounced as flawed science and threatening to LGBTQ folks.
Ver todas las entidadesPresunto: un sistema de IA desarrollado e implementado por Michal Kosinski y Yilun Wang, perjudicó a LGBTQ people , LGBTQ people of color y non-American LGBTQ people.
Clasificaciones de la Taxonomía GMF
Detalles de la TaxonomíaKnown AI Goal Snippets
One or more snippets that justify the classification.
(Snippet Text: Presented with photos of gay men and straight men, a computer program was able to determine which of the two was gay with 81 percent accuracy, according to Dr. Kosinski and co-author Yilun Wang’s paper., Related Classifications: Behavioral Modeling, Snippet Discussion: Pairwise classification)
Risk Subdomain
A further 23 subdomains create an accessible and understandable classification of hazards and harms associated with AI
2.1. Compromise of privacy by obtaining, leaking or correctly inferring sensitive information
Risk Domain
The Domain Taxonomy of AI Risks classifies risks into seven AI risk domains: (1) Discrimination & toxicity, (2) Privacy & security, (3) Misinformation, (4) Malicious actors & misuse, (5) Human-computer interaction, (6) Socioeconomic & environmental harms, and (7) AI system safety, failures & limitations.
- Privacy & Security
Which, if any, entity is presented as the main cause of the risk
The stage in the AI lifecycle at which the risk is presented as occurring
Whether the risk is presented as occurring as an expected or unexpected outcome from pursuing a goal
Informes del Incidente
Cronología de Informes

Michal Kosinski sintió que tenía buenas razones para enseñarle a una máquina a detectar la orientación sexual.
Una empresa emergente israelí había comenzado a vender un servicio que predecía tendencias terroristas basándose en análisis faci…
Una "Variante" es un incidente que comparte los mismos factores causales, produce daños similares e involucra los mismos sistemas inteligentes que un incidente de IA conocido. En lugar de indexar las variantes como incidentes completamente separados, enumeramos las variaciones de los incidentes bajo el primer incidente similar enviado a la base de datos. A diferencia de otros tipos de envío a la base de datos de incidentes, no se requiere que las variantes tengan informes como evidencia externa a la base de datos de incidentes. Obtenga más información del trabajo de investigación.