Description: An Apple voicemail transcription system allegedly misinterpreted a message from Lookers Land Rover in Motherwell, Scotland, to 66-year-old customer Louise Littlejohn by inserting an explicit phrase and an insult. The original voicemail was a standard business message, but AI processing errors introduced offensive and misleading content into the text version.
View all entitiesAlleged: Apple developed an AI system deployed by Lookers Land Rover and Apple, which harmed Lookers Land Rover , Louise Littlejohn , Lookers Land Rover customers and Apple customers.
Alleged implicated AI systems: Apple voicemail transcription and iOS speech-to-text
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Daniel Atherton
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A woman from Dunfermline has spoken of her shock after an Apple voice-to-text service mistakenly inserted a reference to sex - and an apparent insult - into a message left by a garage.
Louise Littlejohn, 66, received a voicemail message on …
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