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This is the Executive Summary of Amnesty International's report on surveillance and the suppression of civil society in Serbia. Please click here for the full report in PDF format.
You can read the Executive Summary in Serbian, French or Sp…
BELGRADE/LONDON, Dec 16 (Reuters) - Serbian officials installed homegrown spyware on the phones of dozens of journalists and activists, Amnesty International said in a report, opens new tab released on Monday, citing digital forensic eviden…
This press release is also available in Serbian "Srbija: Vlasti koriste špijunske softvere i forenzičke alate kompanije Cellebrite za hakovanje novinara i aktivista".
We have published the report's Executive Summary as a webpage. The full r…
Policija i obaveštajne službe u Srbiji koriste moderan špijunski softver za mobilne uređaje zajedno sa mobilnim forenzičkim alatima kako bi nezakonito targetirali novinare, ekološke aktiviste i druge pojedince u kampanji tajnog nadzora, otk…
Feb 27 (Reuters) - Georgia has moved to renew contracts with Israeli technology firm Cellebrite DI Ltd for software used to extract data from mobile devices, procurement documents show, as the country grapples with ongoing anti-government s…
Amnesty International's Security Lab, in collaboration with Amnesty's European Regional Office, has uncovered a new case of misuse of a Cellebrite product to break into the phone of a youth activist in Serbia. The attack closely matches the…

As reported in Haaretz in December 2024, researchers at Amnesty Tech, the technology arm of the international human rights group, discovered that Serbia had managed to exploit technology made by Cellebrite to bypass the security mechanisms …
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