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1.1. Unfair discrimination and misrepresentation
Risk Domain
- Discrimination and Toxicity
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It was May 2019 when Parabon Nanolabs ran into a major controversy. At the time, it was the most famous forensic-genetics company on the planet. From its headquarters in Reston, Virginia, Parabon was helping police to crack cold-crime cases…

The Edmonton Police Service is, for the first time in its history, using DNA phenotyping in the hopes of identifying a suspect in a 2019 sexual assault.
On Sunday, March 10, 2019, at approximately 5:45 a.m., police received a call that a fe…
My name is Enyinnah Okere and as Chief Operating Officer for the Community Safety and Well-being Bureau of EPS, I am responsible for overseeing our sexual assault section - it was my team that put out a release two days ago about the unsolv…

An image of a suspect, created from a sample of his DNA? It sounds like dystopian sci-fi, but experts say it's even worse — it's tech that cops are already rolling out, even though it almost certainly doesn't work.
Alberta, Canada's Edmonto…

Police departments are using a new high-tech tool for catching criminals and identifying victims: realistic portraits generated from DNA data. The technology is astounding in its results, but it has attracted its fair share of criticism and…
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