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1.1. Unfair discrimination and misrepresentation
Risk Domain
- Discrimination and Toxicity
Incident Reports
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About the automatic prediction of teenage pregnancies
After studying the methodology of the artificial intelligence system supposedly capable of predicting teenage pregnancies, mentioned by the Governor of Salta, Juan Manuel Urtubey, we fou…

A government leader in Argentina hailed the AI, which was fed invasive data about girls. The feminist pushback could inform the future of health tech.
In 2018, while the Argentine Congress was hotly debating whether to decriminalize abortio…

Everything about this is a nightmare.
It’s a nightmarish mix of Big Tech overreach and state authoritarianism.
The Argentinian province of Salta approved the development of a Microsoft algorithm in 2o18 that allegedly could determine which …

In one of the most WTF uses of artificial technology yet, Microsoft has created one of the most bizarre algorithms ever. In an effort to show off its advancements in AI, the computer software company has crafted an AI to predict the impregn…